The General Purpose of Mediation for Couples

If a couple plans to seek a divorce in the Phoenix area and has matters to resolve, then mediation is an alternative option for working through the specific details involved that that case. Many issues, such as child custody and visitation, may be able to be decided upon by having a mediator guide the communication between the people involved. This allows couples the opportunity to explain their preferences as each matter is addressed.

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How to Prepare for a Divorce

No one goes into a relationship preparing for divorce, but if divorce begins to seem inevitable, there are some steps you may want to take even before discussing divorce with your spouse.

Organize your finances

You need to have an accurate understanding of your family’s assets, debts and income. You might also need documents such as tax forms for the past few years, documentation on loans and mortgages and similar financial paperwork.
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Grounds for Divorce in Arizona

Like many laws, divorce laws vary from state to state. Each aspect is important but among the foremost ones are the grounds for divorce. Here’s an overview of Arizona’s laws on grounds for divorce.

No-Fault State

Arizona is classified as a no-fault state, which means neither spouse has to give a reason when filing for divorce. The only requirement is that at least one spouse asserts that he or she believes the marriage to be “irretrievably broken”. Things would be different, though, if the union was a covenant marriage. Continue reading

Do AZ Courts Factor In Cheating for Alimony?

Divorce can be financially destabilizing for ex-spouses, particularly the less financially capable one of the two. Spousal maintenance (a.k.a. alimony) in Arizona is meant to help them have enough money to maintain, as much as possible, the same standard of living they had while still together. But what about in cases that involve the issue of adultery and the paying spouse wants to limit, if not totally disqualify, the other from  receiving alimony for being unfaithful? Continue reading

Be Prepared When Meeting Your Divorce Attorney

Whether you are thinking about filing for divorce or you are ready to move forward with your plans, meeting with a divorce attorney is an important step in this process. The attorney can represent your interests in the matter as well as answer your questions, protect your rights, and facilitate all negotiations. The initial consultation may seem like a formality to some people, but this is an important meeting that you can get a lot out of if you prepare for it properly.  Continue reading

Arizona Custody Laws Determine Child Custody

When you go through a divorce and share children with your former spouse, you may find that—rather than work out a custody agreement on your own—the court has final say over your custody agreement. Arizona is one of just a few states in the country that allow the judge presiding over the case to determine custody agreements. You should talk with your lawyer more about custody arrangements before heading to court. Continue reading

Divorce 101: Marital vs. Non-Marital Properties

One of the most important things to determine after divorce is how properties are to be split between the ex-couples. In the court of law, the ownership will be greatly influenced by the property type, which are generally categorized as either marital or non-marital.


Non-marital properties – these are basically properties that have been acquired before marriage or after the divorce. These are easy to distribute because they basically belong to the person who purchased or acquired the said property. The partner does not have any claim on a non-marital property, and once deemed as “non-marital,” the court of law will have no influence regarding distribution of said property.

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The Grandparents’ Rights when Couples Divorce

Being in love, being pregnant, looking for security—these are just a few reasons why some couples today get married young then end up still relying on their parents for some financial and childrearing support. When some of these couples realize that the other one is abusive or that they are not a good match for each other, they get divorced young, too. Some are even going through divorces in their 20s.

In marriages where the couple has a child, the grandparents could have been very involved in raising the child in question. When the split is inevitable, can the grandparents also ask for visitation rights? How should they handle this issue in the middle of the couple’s divorce proceedings? Should they act before the legal processes start or wait a while?

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Do You Need a Divorce Attorney in Phoenix?

Coming to the conclusion that your marriage is over is never easy. The emotional strain alone is a weighty burden, but you must also be prepared to deal with financial and legal issues. At this stage, you’re probably wondering if you’re going to need a divorce attorney or if you and your partner can iron it out yourselves.

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Dividing Property during Divorce in Arizona

When deciding on how to divide their properties and debts, couples going through a divorce can choose between two options: either they settle it themselves, or ask the court to divide their properties for them. Like most states, Arizona considers most of the couple’s property as a community property, and when the decision of dividing a divorcing couple’s properties has been entrusted to the court, they will do so in a fair and approximately equal manner.

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